I recognise my own flick-flack mind in this and I did chuckle.

I'm sure you and I are hemispherical reflections of each other:

1. My husband only ever has ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch.

2. I too have a deep interest in Buddhism. Although my husband calls me out every time I kill and ant or a fly. Do I get points for having a 'wild patch' in the garden and a (wait for it) bug hotel?

3. Bug hotels.

4. I prefer to eat vegetarian.

5. House issues - painting, washing windows, getting the carpet cleaning company in. Ringing the floor sander to see when he can re-do our polished boards. Chastise self for not pulling out all the books, dusting them and the shelves and then putting them back again.

6. I collect blue and white china.

7. I drink my tea in a Spode cup.

8. I make lists of things I must 'look up'

So bingo, dear friend. Bingo. To which I will add focus on your breath, not your thoughts. Breathe deep, seek peace and go back to sleep.


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This is so amazing, isn't it! What a wonderfully affirming list you provide here lol - and not to forget a shared love of Terriers, cooking and Chanel no.5! Thank you so much dear Prue - I always appreciate you here xo

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Mon Dieu! (Sorry - watched Poirot last night!) How could I forget the terriers, cooking and Chanel no 5!!!!

PS: Finger seems attached to exclamation key...

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First of all, the TOAD. I was already a fan, but now, I'm like a superfan. You know, the kind you start to worry about standing too close. 😆

Secondly, the painting! Wow. Your son is talented. 😍

And lastly, my goodness, did you ever capture the monkey mind. It was exhausting in its fascinating way, as you know, punctuation. It does make you wonder what the heck are we doing to ourselves with all this chatter? I try to interrupt myself (only to start again later), but that's the best I can do, you know?

I suppose this is why awe and traveling, extreme sports, and those kinds of experiences help us to step out of our heads.

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Thanks for this - I do love an expansive comment! I have kinda exaggerated here for effect of course but damn, the mind can be a wild one, right? This is is why that old chestnut about "being in the moment" is actually so valid when you think of how much time is wasted on the kind of rubbishy back and forth I cite here lol. Also good to know I am not a total weirdo about Toads ha ...

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Oh, no, you're not alone 🐸 We love seeing all the little critters around here. Well, except flies or mosquitos.

Here's to being here! Cheers, xo

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Such a lovely post, Sue.

I hadn't ever recognised the shared features of one of my favourite creatures and one of my favourite snacks - you're absolutely right: toads and dill pickles ARE almost totally interchangeable! A delightful read for the weekend, thank you so much. 🥒🐸

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LOL I had to carefully re-read that bit about toads and fav snacks! But so happy you enjoyed!

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LOL - now that you've said that it does sound as if I'm telling you that I would consider both toads and dill pickles to be edible! Sorry about that....!!!! 🤣

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Oh, crikey, do I recognise that derailed train of what passes for thought! I've been seeing a therapist recently and am pursuing a line that I have probably undiagnosed ADHD. This has been enormously helpful in beginning to understand the issues I've been struggling with all my many years. Best wishes xx

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Thanks for this - despite how this reads, I do think mine is mostly overly optimistic thinking of what can happen in 24 hours lol! It's good though to simply be aware I think.

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Yes, it can never be a waste of time to stop and be curious about ourselves 🙂

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