Jun 4Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

My younger brother was an arborist. He told me that gardening is "mental flossing". I always feel better after gardening, even somewhat " righteous" with the new little aches!

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Sooooo true! Cheers, Susan.

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Jun 3Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

What a sweet post and your photos are fantastic, too. As a Master Gardener, I appreciate everything you mentioned in the entire post. All of it. 😊

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Thank you so much Mary B for ... getting it!

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Jun 3Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

1000% get it!

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Jul 1Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

God, loved this. You planted snapdragons so he could be right at least some of the time. Wonderful essay. And beautiful garden.

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Jun 22Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

Oh, such a delight. Beautiful, poignant words and such lovely pictures. A treat of a post, as always.

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Jun 3Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

What a wonderful read on a day where my ambtion needs a kind prodding

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Thank you! But remember it's acceptable to fast-forward to the "reward" part of gardening whenever you need to :)

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Jun 3Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

Oh oh! Spikes of bamboo are shooting up higher than ever and your marvellous description has driven me to make a decision. Starting now I declare war on the bamboo spikes. And thank you for describing the root problem. I will seek out specialists with power tools and muscles.

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Depending on the bamboo species yours might be alright - can sometimes just be "mowed" into submission I understand. Mine was rude, heavy duty Vietnamese- strong/style, likely banned here! I know it's beautiful so no hard feelings. Sorta.

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Jun 3Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

I think it’s the heavy duty banned bamboo. Your description matches perfectly!

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Sympathy then and love :(

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Jun 3Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

Crikey - I'm SO glad I read the second half of that!! ❤️

Go you - strong, capable, gentle, fantastic woman!

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LOL you are kind!

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Jun 3Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

There was a time when we lived in an apt we dubbed 'the Cave' because it had no windows in the living room or kitchen (yes, it was awful), but we compensated by bringing in three fish tanks alive with not only a variety of fish and shrimp, but plants. Trying to get grow lights was too challenging, so we accepted the space. We often stared at the fish tanks.

These days we are in a townhouse situation with a side path and a "coconut grove" area ~ and it's been so delightful to be outside with the agamas, toads, frogs, skinks, and birds + we set up a fish pot. We live in a well-lit bright home with lots of plants like we're used to.

So I can appreciate the journey you've been on with your garden and I'm happy to hear how therapeutic it's been as well. It looks fantastic, just perfect, and I love love love that you can lie on your back and drink it all in, xoxo

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Thanks Lani! Love hearing the back stories that get ignited in other people's memories and yours is extremely vivid. It's so relaxing to watch fish in their tanks isn't it? I bet the Merlin app would pretty much explode where you are ... thanks again xo

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Jun 3Liked by Sue Sutherland-Wood

You've made the garden your own - dare I say that the bamboo was your punching bag?

I love that you love gardening, that the space is comfort, peace and beauty. That you can sit and contemplate your navel any time you like (mine has drifted sideways over the last 14 days, it appears...)

What a strong person you are to come out the other side of the split with humour, a loving family, a great garden, stories to tell ... and Stanley.

It's drizzling here today, so thank you for an uplift of mood and for inspiration. And can I say I crave your pergola and pond?

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Thanks so much Prue! I think I may still be looking to find "the other side" some days but yes, mostly, I will call the garden a success at least in my eyes. It's such a personal space too - my preference is to let things grow where they like now, without it looking like the haunted house on the street lol. Cheers indeed! xo

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